Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ronald Reag As Government Expands, Liberty Contracts Essay

Ethan Martin Martin 1 Mrs. Langerot English 4 October 14, 2015 Ronald Wilson Reagan â€Å"As government expands, liberty contracts(Ronald Reagan Quotes). Those who know anything about Modern Politics in the United States know that Ronald Reagan is the poster child and founder of today s Conservatism. Today s Conservatism is at its core a hybrid between the Conservatism of Theodore Roosevelt and that of the Libertarianism of Thomas Jefferson. Libertarians believe that the Central or Federal government should be as small as possible. As shown in the opening quote from Ronald Reagan he firmly believed that to keep the freedom entitled to us by the Bill of Rights, the People must constrict government to give them as minimal amount of power as possible. Ronald Reagan is certainly a controversial figure in the face of politics. Democrats despise him and Republicans try to mimic his policies on both foreign and domestic stages. Ronald Wilson Reagan was born on February 6, 1911 in a small town named Tampico, Illinois. Ronald was born in an apartment on the second floor of a commercial building. His parents were Nelle Clyde Reagan and Jack Reagan. Nelle was a devoted Christian. A member of the Disciples of Christ denomination of Christianity. Most of her work mostly was refined to inside the church. Helping with feeding the homeless or struggling or helping those with Illnesses, but while she wasn t working in the church Martin 2 she could most

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